FREE - Introduction to online learning
This course is completely free and designed to give you a taste of ...
Certified Handler - Class 6.1A and B Toxic Substances
This course is designed to provide you with knowledge of:
Flammable liquids Class 3.1, 6.1A, 6.1B Certified handler
This course is designed to provide you with knowledge of:Legislatio...
Certified Handler Chlorine Course
This is a short (approximately four hours, plus additional reading)...
Hazardous Substance Awareness
This online course provides a part of the training and
Class 2.1.1, 2.1.2 Flammable Gas & Aerosol Handler
This course is designed to provide you with knowledge of:Regulatory...
Anhydrous ammonia handler training
This course is designed to provide you with knowledge of:
Module 2: Introduction to Hazard ID and Risk Assessment
This course is suitable for persons who operate, under supervisio...
Introduction to Stormwater Protection
Participants will gain a sound understanding of what stormwater is,...